Sunny Ripert

Future-Friendly Web Developer

Photo of Sunny Ripert

38 years old
Paris, France


Since (10 years and 12 months)

CTO, Cults, Paris

Since (6 years and 12 months)

Teacher, Le Wagon, Paris


(6 years)

Lead Dev, KissKissBankBank & Co, Paris

Recruitement, back-end, front-end, integration with payment services, APIs, tooling, scalability, mentoring, code review… Check out how I work.

(8 years)

CTO, Cosmic, Paris

Head of the Web department, lead developer, recruitement, management, user experience, front-end, back-end and project management.

Ruby on Rails applications, generating custom HD PDFs, zipfiles on the fly, authentication using client-side certificates, WebServices, scalability…

The clients: Renault, BNP PF, GMF, Heyraud, Aurore, Conforama, 3M, SVM

(2 years)

Web developer, DVDrama, Paris

Redesigned the database, the content management system and administration of the PHP website. Created a blog engine, promotional websites, game contests, Flash animations.

