Sunny Ripert

Future-Friendly Web Developer

Photo of Sunny Ripert

39 years old
Paris, France


Since (11 years and 7 months)

CTO, Cults, Paris

Since (7 years and 7 months)

Teacher, Le Wagon, Paris


(6 years)

Lead Dev, KissKissBankBank & Co, Paris

Recruitement, back-end, front-end, integration with payment services, APIs, tooling, scalability, mentoring, code review… Check out how I work.

(8 years)

CTO, Cosmic, Paris

Head of the Web department, lead developer, recruitement, management, user experience, front-end, back-end and project management.

Ruby on Rails applications, generating custom HD PDFs, zipfiles on the fly, authentication using client-side certificates, WebServices, scalability…

The clients: Renault, BNP PF, GMF, Heyraud, Aurore, Conforama, 3M, SVM

(2 years)

Web developer, DVDrama, Paris

Redesigned the database, the content management system and administration of the PHP website. Created a blog engine, promotional websites, game contests, Flash animations.

